Hara Krsna parade Sunday 17th June

Yes, I have spelt it correctly – it’s weird…there are even dots under the letters r s and n???


Anyways, we were on our way to take photos of the Number 38 bus (more about that later) and were halted in the street at Piccadilly Circus by carnival floats pulled by chanting people. It turns out it was a Rathayatra Parade for Hare Krishna and people were smiling and chanting in a rather excitable way. I snapped a quick pic and happily took a leaflet from a smiling chanting orange person so that I could find out more.

I read the leaflet and, to paraphrase somewhat, it seems the chanting level of transcendental ecstacy. But you have to fully believe to really feel the power.

They seem to be a fairly pleasant and happy organization that cares about helping people, but I can’t help thinking they are a bunch of weirdoes – anyone care to help me out here?




Hara Krsna parade Sunday 17th June